
There's always time to play

Saturday, April 21, 2012

When security matters ...

... password restrictions are retarded. When I wanted to activate an online account for my creditcard I entered the same secure password I always use, but guess what, it was not accepted. The password restrictions are as follows:
Het door u gekozen wachtwoord voldoet niet aan de eisen. Uw wachtwoord moet bestaan uit minimaal één cijfer en vijf letters. De maximale lengte is tien cijfers en/of letters. Leestekens en symbolen zoals !@#$%&^*_ worden niet herkend. Let op: uw wachtwoord is hoofdlettergevoelig.
... in English:
The chosen password does not meet our requirements. Your password has to contain at least one digit and five characters. The maximum length is ten digits and/or characters. Punctuation marks and symbols such as !@#$%&^*_ are not recognized. Attention: your password is case sensitive.
Seriously? Please International Card Services, get your stuff together and stop the retarded password restrictions and accept secure passwords for a change...