From that point there's just 2 problems left to solve. The first is, how to connect to the synergy server. You need to specify an hostname or ip-address to connect to the server, so there's an easy solution: avahi/bonjour/rendezvouz/zeroconf. OS X supports bonour out of the box. Just give your Mac a nice name and you'll be able to reach it at
The first problem's solved. The second problem is how to start synergy. On your Mac you can get SynergyKM: Synergy and a nice GUI in one package. It'll add a system preferences item for synergy where you can change everything you'll ever need for synergy. On the clients I added synergy to the Gnome session startup programs. Now when you log in they'll start. This leaves part of this problem unsolved, how do you log in? The solution is quite simple. If you use GDM there's a /etc/[X11/]gdm/Init/Default, which can also be used to execute extra commands. Just add a line synergyc mini.local before the exit statement (replace mini.local with your synergy server hostname of course) and you'll be able to log in using synergy. So now all you need is one keyboard and one mouse to control your 5 computers ;-)